An Insider’s View of Executive Recruitment with Mike Meyrick
Executive recruitment has been regarded by many as a bit of a black box. Executives looking for the next role may not know how they can properly participate while companies may not recognize how to forge an effective partnership with a recruitment firm. Mike Meyrick has spent 20 years doing international executive search. Through his firm, Meyrick Consulting, he has helped clients identify talent across industry sectors and global locations.
In this episode of What I Wish I Knew with Mike Irwin & Simon Daw, Mike shares an insider’s view of executive recruitment, how the industry functions, and what he wishes that both clients and executives knew about the process.
Connect with Mike Meyrick: LinkedIn // Meyrick Consulting
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Video Highlights: Executive Recruitment Expert Mike Meyrick
“Many people are unwilling to talk with an executive recruiter unless they’re actively looking. My advice: take the call. Have the conversation.”
“Expectations of candidates have risen through the years. Cultural expertise isn’t just an advantage anymore, it’s an expectation.”